Juan Luis Ardá and Jaime Ardá, top managers of Taisa, talk in this interview about the keys to the success of a company that has been chosen as one of the most successful in the world. Best HPE Partner in Southern Europe, an award that rewards the excellence of a company committed to digital transformation projects and with the Public Administration at the centre of its business.
What has been TAISA’s trajectory as a company specialising in the IT business?
We are a technology company, specialised in providing system integration solutions, networks, security and also in application development. TAISA is composed of more than one hundred employees, more than 80% of these profiles are technical positions. We currently have three branches throughout Spain: Madrid, Galicia (Santiago de Compostela) and Castilla La Mancha (Talavera de la Reina). The origin of TAISA dates back to 1989, since then we have tried to adapt to the evolution and technological changes that have taken place over the years.
In which sectors are you best positioned?
We work mainly with the Public Administration, both with the General State Administration (AGE) and at regional and local level. Currently, more than 75% of our clients come from the public sector, the rest are spread across banking, media and industry.
What are the major technological challenges facing the administration?
We consider that one of the main challenges the Administration is facing is to address its digital transformation in order to get closer to citizens and their expectations, for which the management of funds for digitisation promoted in the PRTR is key. Very effective work is being done by all administrations to translate these funds into both investment and service projects. The implementation of these projects is producing a remarkable digital acceleration.. The challenge will be, on the one hand, to obtain the technical and human resources, in competition with other sectors, to execute these contracts in due time and form, and, on the other hand, to be able to consolidate, maintain and evolve them over time.

How can TAISA help with these challenges?
As we have been doing since 1989, generating confidence in our clients by giving continuity to the projects we execute with our clients. To this end, we have a multidisciplinary technical team that masters the predominant technologies on the market. In addition, our sales team has a high level of technical expertise and is very familiar with the particular casuistry of public administration.
More than 25 years in the sector and always hand in hand with HPE, what does the manufacturer bring to a company like yours?
There is a symbiotic relationship between the two organizations. For our part, we provide them with commercial capillarity, agility, flexibility in customer relations and very useful technical knowledge for integration with other solutions, among other services. HPE is, and has been, one of the historic market leaders. By partnering with a technology leader like HPE, we are able to provide our customers with robust, reliable and technologically advanced solutions.
How is the market responding to pay-as-you-go proposals, and what are your views on this?
It is clearly a global market trend, we can see it in our daily lives. We are aware that work has been done on tools to bring this model to the public administration, adapting these new models to the contractual part. There have already been some “early adopters” in public entities, but we anticipate that, in the coming months/years, there will be a major shift towards this new consumption model.
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