D. José Luis Pérez Calvo
C/ Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, 16 28411 - Moralzarzal (Madrid)


The company Cristanini SpA, founded in 1972, has a long experience in the world in the field of high pressure technology with a strong presence all over the world and offers a complete range of civil, industrial and military protection equipment. Cristanini’s unrivalled experience and know-how are the result of years of research, applied engineering, production of accessories and equipment in order to offer innovative solutions in the field of CBRN decontamination. Cristanini’s unparalleled experience and know-how are the result of years of research, applied engineering, production of accessories and equipment in order to offer innovative solutions in the field of CBRN decontamination.

Cristanini is a reference company in the field of defence and civil protection, in the specific field of CBRN decontamination and detoxification, sanitation, special industrial applications, in urban areas and in the recovery of works of historical, artistic and monumental interest.

Cristanini has always favoured the investment of its resources in the development of new technical solutions, as well as commercial organisation, in order to satisfy and respond to increasingly demanding customers.


Systems and engineering solutions


Decontamination systems